Ms. Gaines' Autobiography Portfolio

Project Description  Title page from the Dr. Seuss classic

This is a year long project that is designed to help you discover and express who you are right now and who you want to be. You will do this through a variety of assignments including essays, interviews, poetry, visual art, and even music. This is not designed to be "challenging" per se, but it is designed to make you think. Good luck and be yourself! 

Assignment 1: If I Were on Wikipedia...

What is Wikipedia good for? Well, it's a good way to get basic background information on a topic before you begin actual research. So considering your portfolio is essentially research on yourself, let's start with Wikipedia.

Step 1a: View instructional video -

Step 1b: Read the written instructions/rubric: 

Step 2: Fill out the Wikipedia questionnaire -

Step 3: Use the information from your questionnaire to create a rough draft of your Wikipedia entry.

Step 4: Have a classmate edit your draft using track changes in MS Word

Step 5: Submit a final draft to my e-mail -

Last Updated 2010-07-02 17:53